Software Engineer

Currying in JavaScript

June 24, 2020

What is Currying?

Many languages when it comes to the realm of functional programming make use of currying. It is the process of transforming a function that contains multiple arguments into a sequence of nested functions. There are several benefits of currying and one of the main ones is through the creation of utility functions. I find this very helpful when going back to code I haven’t seen in a while and being able to expand on a program as I made use of the process of currying.

The arguments of currying are kept because of closure & are consecutively used in execution until the final currying chain is returned. Currying can be a powerful concept in creating programs. In languages like Haskell, all functions are curried by default.


Let’s take a look at a simple function that will take two arguments

const divide = (a, b) => a / b;

The two arguments (a & b) simply divide so therefore

divide(10, 5);
// returns 2

We can change this function to a curried version by separating the arguments…

const divideCurried = (a) => (b) => a/b;

Testing the following code

// returns 2

A curried utility function we can make use of

const divideCurriedBy10 = divideCurried(10);

Now we can make use of this new curried utility function to divide any number by 10

// 10
// 0.2

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