Software Engineer

Oh My Zsh Autocomplete

September 22, 2022

Oh My Zsh

If you are not familiar with zsh in your workflow I highly recommend it. It’s an open source tool for managing Zsh configuration. Using a normal Bash window some things such as autocomplete may be available out of the box which is nice but I feel like Zsh provides a lot and is nicer to use but there is some initial set up.

I am more or less creating this post so that I can remind myself on how to configure this since I quite often have to set up new machines.

Set up

Clone the zsh-autocomplete plugin

sudo git clone ${ZSH_CUSTOM:-~/.oh-my-zsh/custom}/plugins/zsh-autosuggestions

Edit the zshrc file

Next step is to add the plugin to the zshrc file

vim ~/.zshrc

plugins = (
  // List of plugins here

After restarting your terminal zsh autocomplete should be working 🎉

At some point I will eventually create a github repository on machine set up for the tools I use most often but maybe these short tutorials can be helpful for quickly getting things going.

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